The Team

President & Co-Founder

Jessica is a very enthusiastic and driven young person. Having studied Medicine/Law at Monash University, Jessica is very passionate about the efficacy of peer education in the context of Sexual Health Education in young people. She is currently a Board Member of Beyond Blue and Vice President Junior Doctors AMA, and a past President of the Australian Medical Students Association. Jessica's passion was further ignited whilst serving as the National Events Coordinator of YEAH (Youth Empowerment Against HIV/AIDS), running their Events stream and as the Executive Producer of the Naughty Rude Show, a radio show targeted at young people. It provides a forum for frank discussion about all things relating to sex, dating and relationships.

Kat is a passionate sex educator who is determined to talk about sex at every waking moment. She comes to the Nookie project with over 9 years’ experience working in the youth, HIV and sex education sectors across rural NSW, the Northern Territory and Victoria. Kat has run everything from small local sex education and harm reduction peer education workshops to establishing a national youth-led peer sex education program. She believes that communicating with young people and using peer education is the best model to communicate sex positive messages with young people and create a dialogue about sexuality, sexual health, pleasure and great sex.
Education Coordinator

Karen Freilich is a final year medical student at Monash University and has completed a BMedSci (Honours) researching the sociodemographic characteristics associated with contraceptive use and non-use in Australia. Karen was previously the Vice President of the Australian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA) Executive, and has been heavily involved in health professional mental health and health education. She has a keen interest in sexual health, and is overseeing the development of The Nookie Project workshops and podcast. Karen is also a passionate about costumes, and runs a DIY costume blog in her spare time.

Zoe is an ambitious and dedicated junior doctor currently working at Barwon Health. Zoe completed Medicine at Monash University, and is currently undertaking her Masters of Public Health. Zoe is passionate about empowering young people regarding sexual health decision-making. She believes that Health Professionals are imperative in this process, and the manner in which this information is delivered, is of the upmost importance. Zoe is a Director of Family Planning Victoria, Chair of the Youth Committee for Sexual Health & Family Planning Australia, and a Regional Councillor for the International Planned Parenthood Federation.

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